Come First.
Ensuring every patient feels comfortable and heard is one of the cornerstones of our clinic. That means that we never overbook, we have longer appointment times, and we always take the time to get to the root of the problem.
At your initial consultation at Westside Chiropractic, this is the general process you can expect from each of our practitioners.
Find A Diagnosis
This is step one. All of our practitioners are trained to do robust assessments on each patient. We work to get to the root of the problem so we can come up with the best course of treatment.
Imaging is ordered only when necessary, and is done on a case by case basis.
Create A Treatment Plan
Based on your diagnosis, we will walk you through your treatment options, your treatment process, and how long it will take.
During your first visit, once we establish a diagnosis, we will begin treatment that day. We use a multi-faceted treatment approach combining chiropractic, Active Release Therapy, Massage Therapy, and Graston Technique together.
We focus on pain reduction, increasing mobility and improving function. That includes all injuries and all ages. Our practitioners have worked extensively with athletes, the elderly, children, those recovering from surgery, and the general population who experience aches and pains, chronic fatigue, and extensive stress.
Sound like you? Let’s book an appointment.