Concussion Treatment
If you have recently had a concussion or are in long-term recovery our team has extensive experience dealing with a wide range of concussions and their symptoms.
Finding a treatment plan.
Some concussions will resolve on their own within 7-10 days, if you are having persistent symptoms past this point it can be extremely beneficial to find support in managing your concussion. At Westside Chiropractic our diagnosis and management techniques are up to date and in compliance with the latest science-based recommendations on concussions.
When a new patient with a prolonged concussion comes in, it is often because they have not had an assessment or treatment of the neck or upper back.
Our approach with concussions begins with an assessment. Here we identify if a patient has a concussion and if it is mild, moderate, or severe. We also examine the neck and upper back regions to rule out a whiplash-related injury. If dizziness or vertigo is involved we will diagnose that as well. Some vertigo is treatable, especially if related to trauma or a Motor Vehicle Accident.
We use soft tissue therapy including Active Release Technique (ART) when treating concussions. We focus on the damaged soft tissues of the skull, neck, and upper back regions, this includes the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. We can also apply gentle manipulation at the involved joints. Depending on the needs of the patient we can use either a slow pressure and no ‘pop’ adjustment, a quick thrusting adjustment resulting in a ‘pop’, or no adjustment at all if a patient does not wish to be manipulated. Whichever allows for a faster healing time. Homecare like stretching, cryotherapy, rest, and return-to-play strategies are given to support patients outside of treatments.
Once a patient heals from their injury they are trained in stabilization exercises during their return to play/life schedule and then are released from care.
Common Symptoms of Concussions
Balance problems or Dizziness
Fuzzy or blurred vision
Difficulty thinking clearly
Nausea or Vomiting
Difficulty concentrating or remembering new information
Irritability or Mood disturbances
Nervousness or anxiety
Sleeping more or less than usual
Light or sound sensitivity