From Sudden Impacts to Long-Term Issues: Understanding Acute and Chronic Ankle Injuries and Their Optimal Treatment

Ankle injuries can be a common hindrance to daily life, any physical activity, or even sports practice. They may occur due to an accident, straining of tendons, overuse, or chronic conditions. Ankle injuries are categorized into two types: acute and chronic.

In this blog post we will uncover the types of ankle injuries and their optimal treatment.

Acute Ankle Injuries

Acute ankle injuries happen suddenly, usually due to impact, twisting, or spraining while playing a sport or during physical activity. Symptoms of an acute ankle injury include swelling, bruising, pain, and sometimes difficulty moving your foot. Here are the different types of acute ankle injuries:

Ankle Sprains

Ankle sprains usually happen when the ankle twists unnaturally. This causes damage to the ligaments outside the ankle. The severity of the sprain usually dictates the length of recovery. Mild sprains may take a week or two to heal, while more severe strains may take several weeks or up to a few months to heal.

Treatment: Ankle sprains can range from mild to severe, and chiropractors can help with all levels of sprains. Chiropractors can provide care that reduces inflammation and helps the sprained ligament to heal more effectively. Early chiropractic care can help prevent scarring of soft tissue that sometimes results after a sprain. Some sprains may only need rest, ice, compression, and elevation to recover, which can be done at home.

Ankle Fractures

Fractures occur when one or more of the ankle bones break. If the break is severe or in a sensitive location, recovery may take several months. In some cases, surgery may be required.

Treatment: Serious ankle fractures are usually handled by an orthopedic surgeon. However, in cases of more minor fractures, chiropractic care can help to ensure optimal recovery. Chiropractors can also suggest a rehabilitation program to help regain your ankle strength and mobility efficiently.

Achilles Tendon Injury

The Achilles tendon runs down the back of the lower leg to the ankle. Damage to this tendon can be sudden, such as during sports or as a result of falling, or it may develop over a period of time from overuse.

Treatment: Chiropractors can help with Achilles Tendon injuries by suggesting rehabilitation exercises, recommending proper footwear, and identifying faulty mechanics leading to the build-up of excess tension on the tendon, leading to the injury. In cases of lesser Achilles Tendon injuries, home treatment remedies such as rest, ice, compression and elevation should suffice.

Chronic Ankle Injuries

Chronic injuries develop over time due to repetitive stress or motion. Common conditions include the following:

Ankle arthritis

Arthritis, osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis are painful conditions that can affect many of the joints in the body, including the ankle joint.

Treatment: Chiropractors can provide a range of therapies to reduce the inflammation and pain related to ankle arthritis. Chiropractic adjustments may provide some relief by improving joint mobility, and they can also suggest exercises to help keep the joints mobile. You may also benefit from specific dietary changes or supplements that can reduce inflammation and promote joint health.

Peroneal Tendonitis

The peroneal tendons are located behind and beneath the ankle bone. Overuse or strain can lead to inflammation and pain in these tendons.

Treatment: Chiropractic care can assist to reduce pain and inflammation with modalities such as soft tissue therapies (Graston and Active Release Technique) or shockwave therapy techniques. At home, you can also use the RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) therapy to ease pain and improve your comfort levels. Ensure that you maintain range-of-motion exercises as the healing process progresses.

Ankle Instability

Ankle instability occurs when the ligaments around the ankle become too loose or too stretched out. This can increase the risk of sprains and further damage to the ankle.

Treatment: Chiropractors can treat ankle instability through different techniques, including massage or physical therapies such as adjustment and joint mobilization, to ensure proper alignment. They can help design an exercise program to strengthen the affected muscle groups, thus reducing the risk of re-injury. It's best to speak to your chiropractor to more accurately identify the cause of ankle instability and identify the precise treatment plan.

Optimal Treatment for Ankle Injuries

The optimal treatment for acute and chronic ankle injuries depends on the condition and its severity. It is highly recommended to get assessed if you have any ankle pain! Treatment options may include any of the following:

  • Rest and ice: Ensuring you rest and ice the pain area will be important on your recovery journey. You will need to refrain from physical activity and take care to protect the ankle while it heals.

  • Physical rehabilitation: Chiropractors and physical therapists can prescribe specific exercises or stretches that can help you regain strength in your injured ankle.

  • Medications: For moderate to severe pain, your chiropractor may prescribe over-the-counter pain relief or other medications.

  • Surgery: In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to repair a fractured bone, a ruptured ligament, or other serious damage.

What to expect at Westside Chiropractic

Initially we will find a diagnosis, at our clinic, our practitioners are equipped to provide comprehensive assessments for every patient. Our aim is to identify the source of the issue so that an effective treatment plan can be developed. Imaging may be requested on an individual basis if deemed necessary.

Upon confirming your diagnosis, we will explain the available treatment options and the process involved as well as the estimated timeframe for completion. Once in therapy we can perform adjustments and a variety of therapeutic exercises to promote healing and aid in recovery. Through the soft tissue techniques, we can assist in relieving swelling and reduce pain. Our techniques of ART and Graston are excellent for reducing and relieving any pain and swelling.

After providing treatment to the patient, we advise our patients to do certain stretches, exercises and icing techniques at home to aid in their recovery and help avoid further injury.

Our clinic equips patients with the tools they need to prevent further injuries in the ankle. We are well-versed in stabilization exercises that help promote mobility and improve strength for the ankle. We also incorporate proprioceptive training which works to prevent re-injury.


Ankle injuries can be very painful and may hinder daily life or sports activities. By understanding the different types of acute and chronic ankle injuries and their treatment options, you can make informed decisions when seeking medical help. Consult with a health professional at the first sign of an ankle injury, as prompt action can help reduce the risk of further damage and promote optimal recovery. Start your ankle recovery journey today at Westside Chiropractic. 


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